
Friday, April 8, 2011

my homeschool room will be very happy about this

You know how I'm super psyched about re-designing my homeschool room?

... and more specifically about the chalkboard wall {because they're just too fun}

Well I'm now even MORE excited because look what Lowes just started carrying:

that's right, DRY ERASE PAINT!

I picked some up, along with some chalkboard paint

It's quite a bit more expensive than chalkboard paint, {$30 for 6 sq ft. compared to $15 for a quart of chalkboard}

But it will be perfect for something adorable like this:

HOW FUN!! I'm SO excited to get started!

PS... Here's my lemon wreath from yesterday hung up! Love it!


  1. our friend Lydia tried the dry erase paint and it didn't erase very well, so she went back and painted over it with the chalk board paint. Just a word of caution, as her about it, she might be able to tell you more.

  2. Thanks, I think I'll give it a go and keep that in mind- and definitely call the company if it doesn't work ;) for $30 I'm hoping it will... I wonder if there are different brands?? I'll talk to Lydia too :)

  3. The wreath looks so cute in your living room!
