
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

my first ever pottery barn purchase

You might already know that I adore my friend Stephanie... well she gave me an amazing idea last year and I love it so much I want to share it with you!

Every year she gets each of her kids a unique ornament to reflect on their year.

So I started this last year, and had to back track a bit with Z. I highly recommend this idea for you and your kiddos- It's so much fun for the kids to have their very own ornaments, and it helps you to remember what your kids were like at different ages.

Although I have to say I refuse to buy anything gaudy as it will be on my tree for 18 years... {ha}

So here's what I have so far:

Christmas No. 1 

Both girls have 'Baby's First Christmas' ornaments

Christmas No. 2

Anah: {a 'sweet' cookie ornament- she loves food and is just the sweetest thing!}
Zuriah: a kitty ornament {she was obsessed}

Christmas No. 3

Zuriah: ballerina slippers ornament {ballerinas were her very favorite}

Christmas No. 4

Zuriah: this too cute little ornament from Pottery Barn. She always pretends she's a baby animal, and pretending to be 'baby squirrel' is her favorite.

I love Pottery Barn. I frequent it often, but I'm one of those people who always just browse and never buy {I always just think, "I can make that for so much cheaper!"}

Well I couldn't pass this up for $5 and didn't have a clue how to make a squirrel head and tail {let alone make it that cute}.

So there you have it, my first ever Pottery Barn purchase!

If you haven't already, don't forget to sign up for the Silhouette Giveaway!

{Last day to enter} 

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