
Friday, August 12, 2011


It's August- school time, and for me, schedule time. 

I think because I was in school for the longest time I was conditioned to cut up my years into semesters, so instead of New Years being the 'new year' for me it's August. Do you think that way or is it just me?

Now that I have a little girl ready for homeschooling I'm getting really excited to get scheduled. Yesterday we took a trip to get some homeschooling supplies and I'm pretty sure I'm more excited than she is! I literally forgot about some subjects that I did when I was little until I was standing there looking at them {social studies for example...}. So here is what I'm doing to get ready for her school, and schedule out our time. {Her's and mine as well}

Our subjects {for Kindergarten}

Calendar Time {Songs, Calendar, Weather: 4 days a week}
Science {Workbook & "Lab": 2 days a week}
Math {4 days a week}
Social Studies {2 days a week}
Writing Practice {4 days a week}
Reading {Phonics & Books: 4 days a week}
Art Project {4 days week}
Field Trip/Outing {once a week: 5th day}

I created this little schedule for every week so I could keep track of what we were doing and how many hours we spent doing it. I'm going to keep a binder with the schedules and some of my favorite things she's done- I plan on doing this for each grade.

Are you homeschooling? Any tips/tricks you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them!

Click here if you'd like to print a schedule of your own {8.5 x 11 pdf document}


  1. I am starting to do a little bit of school with Gracie this year! I found an awesome curriculum from called Learn Your Letters, Learn to Serve. I am so excited about it. We won't be very strict this year with the schedule since she is only three.

  2. This is our first year homeschooling! We are super excited and I found some of the best stuff for our "classroom" at the dollar store and the target spot aisles! Good luck!
