
Monday, February 7, 2011

mommy must-have: best stroller

{This is the start of a series of posts reviewing products- I'll be posting a "mommy must-have" about once a month}


Zuriah was two years old when Anah was born. She was still a stroller rider. 

So what's the best option for a double stroller? 

Here's my pick... and in fact it's my pick for single too.

{One Toddler set-up}

{Two Toddler set-up}

{Toddler- Newborn set up}

This stroller is incredible. It's a little expensive... yes. But SO worth it. Here's why:
      1. It's a single stroller
      2. It's a double stroller {with just a pop of the back seat}
      3. It's very easy to maneuver 
      4. As a double stroller it feels like a single {very easy to get through crowds and clothing racks}
      5. High re-sale value
      6. It's cool {I always get comments!}
      7. It's a jogger {even though I have yet to use it as such}

I love this stroller and recommend it to any new mom expecting to have more than one or a mom with looking for a double stroller. Such a good investment on the front end- you'll have it forever {that is as long as your kiddos need it} then when you're done you can sell it for not too much less than you paid for it.

These strollers are very durable and very versatile. Definitely a mommy-must-have!


  1. I always think you look nifty pushing it. And it looks so cool! I just got a sit and stand, and love it because I can put 3 kiddos on it and push it better than my double!

  2. I love sit and stands too! (That might have to be my pick for a triple option- although I'm not there yet) ;)
