
Thursday, January 27, 2011

{pearls & prayer}

This is just a little story I love about my daughter that I thought would be fun to share.

Whenever I see pearls I am always reminded of Zuriah, my sweet first born {3 1/2 year old}.

When she was a baby I would sometimes go into her room in the night before I went to bed and get her out of her bed, rock her in the dark, and pray over her. {Sleeping babies are just too sweet}.

One night I remember asking Jesus about her and feeling like He said, "She's my pearl." I remembered the parable in Matthew about the pearl...

"The kingdom of heaven is like a a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."

I sat and meditated on that for awhile- wow this little baby in my arms was worth Jesus dying for! Even if it was just her- he would still have done it.

We were shopping not too long ago {at Michael's no less} and she stopped me in the aisle and said, "Mom, we need to get these, they're pearls and Jesus said I'm a pearl." 

I was shocked she had said that because I hadn't told her about how I felt like He told me that about her. It was a tub full of pearl beads {that were a little on the expensive side} but I bought them anyway. {How could I not?}

Now every time she sees pearls she always has to have one to hold. I love that! Jesus is speaking to her even now at 3 years old.

I want to encourage you to pray over your little ones- it's amazing how much impact a mother can have through prayer!

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